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Education strike 2009

Press release cocerning the week of actions November 16-19, 2009

During the nationwide education strike in June, more than 270 000 students demonstrated for the improvement of the education conditions. Of cours, the demonstrations have brought about a correspondent medial response. However, the central claims of the alliances have not been implemented.

That is why the education strike goes to its second round. On November 17 hundreds of thousands will protest for improved education. In Ulm, students participate in the nationwide protests with a demonstration. Starting point is Ulm main station at 10 a.m.

Claims of Ulm's alliance are among others the increase of the national stock for education, the abolition of tutituion fees, the option of participating in a Master course for all Bachelor stundents, a reduction of class sizes to 25 and free supply of educational aids.

The action week is rounded off by the following framework programme:

  • Monday, November 16: Information booth with public creation of a banner, 2 - 5 p.m., Hirschstraße (in front of Deichmann)
  • Tuesday, November 17: Nationwide decentral demonstrations, Start: 10 a.m., Ulm main station

  • Wednesday, November 18: concert (School bands), 4 – 10 p.m., Büchsenstadl, Platzgasse 18
  • Thursday, November 19: 24h-Turbo-Bachelor from Thursday 12 p.m., Ulm university – lecture hall H6 by the "Cafeteria Süd"

  • Saturday, November 21: Statewide mass rally, 2:30 p.m., Suttgart main station (Collective journey at 1 p.m. Ulm main station)

Further information is available on the students' homepages:

Press release concerning the actions in July 2009

As already announced for the nationwide education strike by the Arbeitskreis Bildungsstreik, there will be particular actions in Ulm from July 13 - 15. At this time, the oral exams of the high-school graduates will be done, which makes it posible for them to participate.

The nationwide education strike has shown in the midst of June that students and trainees are ready to take to the streets in protest for a better education. Nationwide more than 270 000 people demonstrated amongst other things for the abolishment of tuition fees, for the reformation of Bachelor and Master courses, against the high pressure to perform in the eight year high school, for smaller classes and against social selection in the educational system.

The AK Bildungsstreik wants to emphasize these claims with a demonstration in Ulm and asks for the dialog with the decisionmakers at the same time.

Besides a different study atmosphere shall be propagandised. Too many school students regard their lessons as an obligation. University students also motivate themselves by considering their improved labor market chances and higher incomes. This is a shame as education should result from self-awareness. This is the knowledge that makes us more efficient and leads us to the right conclusions. Therefore the AK Bildungsstreik calls students to say yes to education and to demand for it. With a demonstration for better education in Ulm on Juli 15, this shall be expressed. All of the teachers are also asked to participate in the demonstration and to abdicate measures of repression against demonstrating students.

The regulations of the educational system and the teachers also have a lot of influence. In order to discuss pedagogical as well as political improvements, everybody who is interested is invited to two panel discussions.

Dates of the actions:

On July 13 a panel discussion will take place at 6:30 p.m. in lecture hall H3 at Ulm university with teachers, professors and headmasters.

On July 14, at 6:30 p.m. in the "Gewerkschaftshaus", Weinhof 23, a panel discussion with politicians of Bundestag parties will take place.

On July 15, a demonstration in Ulm's centre will take place. It will start at 10 a.m. at Ulm main station and will end with a manifestation at the "Weinhof".

Further information:

Stellungnahme Linksjugend [solid] Ulm

The statement of the Linksjugend is not translated. If you want to find out what their opinion is, please contact us.

Die Linksjugend [solid] Ulm unterstützt die Forderungen der SchülerInnen und Studierenden, nach bessere Lehr- und Lernbedingungen, denn die zustände an Schulen und Universitäten sind katastrohpal.

Benjamin Krüger Mittglied der Linksjugend [solid] und Anmelder der Demo am 15. Mai 2009 in Ulm erklärt: „ Durch die G8 wird der Druck auf SchülerInnen enorm Erhöht im Turbogang wird der Stoff durchgeprügelt so das die SchülerInnen schneller zum Studieren können und schneller für die Wirtschaft eigesetzt werden können, die folgen sind bizarr. Es leidet Qualität der Bildung und das macht sich an denn steigenden Durchfallquoten an Universitäten und Hochschulen bemerkbar. Ein weiteres großes Problem sind die überfüllten Klassenzimmer, teilweiße über 30 SchülerInnen zwängen sich in ein Klassenzimmer. An denn Universitäten ist die Situation nicht besser überfüllte Studiengänge zwingen StudentInnen Vorlesungen ohne Sitzplatz zu verfolgen. Die Bachelor/Master – Reform hat dazu geführt, dass der Konkurrenzdruck und Leistungsdruck extrem zugenommen hat, gerade weil StudentInnen schon ab denn 3. Semester damit konfrontiert werden die Zulassungsvoraussetzungen für Masterstudiengänge zu erfüllen, dies fördert denn Egoismus und macht Krank deshalb müssen Zulassungsvoraussetzungen für Masterstudiengänge abgeschafft werden. Wir wollen mit der Demo am 15. Juli dafür kämpfen und unser Recht auf Bildung einfordern. Bildung steht allen zu auch sozial schwächeren“. Die Linksjugend [solid] Ulm wird deshalb an der Demo nicht nur Lautstark die Forderungen propagieren, sie wird die Streikenden auch mit kostenlosen Getränken versorgen. Wir rufen alle SchülerInnen, StudentInnen, LehrerInnen, ProfessorInnen, Eltern dazu auf für eine bessere Bildung auf die Straße zu gehen.

Linksjugend [solid] Ulm