What is the Student Representation (Studierendenvertretung - StuVe)?
The Student Representation (StuVe) works on a wide variety of topics relating to the university and the study programme. It organises itself in various committees (the Student Parliament (StuPa) and the Student Representatives' Council (FSR)), as well as the Executive Committee (StEx) as the executive body and representation of the student body. It is supported by a number of units, such as the BAföG & Social Counselling Unit or the Bicycle Workshop, which are also open for you.
The sessions of the bodies of the StuVe (the StuPa and the FSR) are basically open to the public and we always welcome visitors. So stop by and help shape it!
Next sessions
Session - 1st March 2023, 6 pm
More information regarding the sessions available in Moodle or via mail
Session - SS23
More information regarding the sessions available in Moodle or via mail
Current news
Jubiläumsreihe: 10 Events für 10 Jahre StuVe!
Vielleicht habt ihr das Jubiläumslogo mit dem Schriftzug "10 Jahre StuVe" schon auf unseren Kugelschreibern oder dem Wintermerch entdeckt? Am 20. Dezember 2013 konstituierte sich die StuVe und bereichert seitdem unseren Alltag mit Forumspartys, dem Hörsaalkino, Nachhaltigkeitsaktionen,…
Student Parliament Ratifies Position Paper on Rights of Trans, Intersex, and Non-binary Individuals at the University
The Student Parliament has given its affirmation to a position paper presented by the Queer Unit, championing the rights of trans, intersex, and non-binary individuals. The paper strongly asserts the need for the university to facilitate an expedited and simplified name change process, introduce…
Information about the semester ticket 2023 and the one-time payment
Here is a short overview of the most important tickets. Spoiler: in most cases, the JugendticketBW is worth it for you. Furthermore, I will let you know where to find your access code for the 200€ one-time payment.
Gremienwahlen 2023
Am 20.06. und 21.06. finden die Gremienwahlen der StuVe statt. Du hast bis zum 15:00 30. Mai die Möglichkeit, deine Kandidatur oder deine Liste zur Teilnahme an den Wahlen zum StuPa oder zum FSR einzureichen.
StuVe wird 10!
Du bist kreativ und möchtest dich so richtig ausleben? Dann hast du jetzt die Chance. Stuve wird 10 Jahre und für diesen Anlass wollen wir ein spezielles Logo.
How to reach us
Verfasste Studierendenschaft (StuVe)
c/o Universität Ulm
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm
Phone +49 (0) 731/50-22401
Fax +49 (0) 731/50-22403
Email stuve.kontakt(at)uni-ulm.de
For all the latest news you can subscribe to the StuVe-mailinglist.
StuVe Office
In N26/320 you will find the StuVe office. Several units and also the StEx offer opening hours here, from and to which you can get information and materials.
The current opening hours of the StuVe office are:
CLOSED: 1rst - 10th March 2023
You can also contact us by e-mail at any time.