What we do

The Sustainability Unit has several areas of responsibility. We connect student groups (HSG) that deal with the topic of sustainability and offer a central platform for mutual exchange. In addition, we are the contact for you, the students, when it comes to our core topic of sustainability.

We have already realised several projects:

  • Lectures, e.g. on climate change or botany (in cooperation with B.U.N.D HSG and Scientists for Future).
  • Coffee cup project (in cooperation with the HSG Sustainability): We advocate for a reusable cup system at the university and regularly carry out campaigns to this end.
  • Development and implementation of an ASQ Sustainability from winter semester 2019/20.
  • Sustainability Round Table: We have established a discussion platform for interested parties and decision-makers (including President Michael Weber) on the topic of sustainability.
  • Green Office (GO): We advocate for a GO as a central contact point for sustainability at the university. To this end, we have set up a student working group (https://plattform-n.org/project/arbeitskreis-green-office/).
  • Sustainable city tours, the cinema series watch.think.act and the clothes roundabout are HSG Nachhaltigkeit projects that we support.

Are you wondering what you can change in your everyday life to reduce your carbon footprint? What sustainability has to do with nutrition or what the university is doing to make its operations more sustainable? Then take a look at the collection of links below (german) or simply contact us personally! We look forward to hearing from you!

Warum so viele verschiedene Gruppen?

Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit gibt es an der Uni gleich mehrfach. Neben dem Referat gibt es auch Hochschulgruppen - kurz HSGs - die sich auf verschiedenen Wegen mit Nachhaltigkeit befassen. Aber worin unterscheiden sich diese Gruppen eigentlich genau?

Die Nachhaltigkeitsreferent:innen

Contact Us

Do you have a question or are you interested in ways to get involved? Then feel free to contact us! Send us an email at: stuve.nachhaltigkeit(at)uni-ulm.de

If you want to stay informed, sign up for the info mailing list stuve.nachhaltigkeit-info(at)lists.uni-ulm.de. Here you will find dates for events such as the clothes round-up or the cinema series watch.think.act and more about the work of the department. Just send an email to sympa(at)lists.uni-ulm.de, subject: SUBSCRIBE stuve.nachhaltigkeit-info. You will then receive a confirmation email, please note this.