What is the FIN Games Night?
During the lecture period, the FIN (Fachbereichsvertretung Informatik=student representatives of the computer sciences) hosts an analog Games Night with board and card games on the penultimate friday of each month. After these took place onlince via Mumble during the last couple semesters, we now move back to campus and you are all cordially invited!
We will provide a great games sortiment as well as snacks and some drinks. You can also bring along your favourite games.
Fachbereichsvertretung Informatik
BeCI-Büro (O27/131)
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
c/o Universität Ulm
89081 Ulm
Phone: 0731 / 50 - 22407
For confidential requests: fin-intern(at)uni-ulm.de
Public list: fin(at)uni-ulm.de