The cloudstore for old exams is expiring - The old exams are available in a Moodle course

Unfortunately, the Cloudstore, where the old exams are currently located, will not be available for much longer. To simplify administration, we have created a Moodle course. You can now find all old exams in this course.


Generations of students have benefited from the fact that their student council collects minutes of exams and, in turn, provides students with them. Unfortunately, new exam protocols do not appear out of nowhere!

Many professors and lecturers submit a copy to us immediately after the end of an exam. We think that's great! Unfortunately, however, it happens too often that we have no or only outdated exams or protocols in the archive for certain subjects or oral examinations. But you can easily change this: after a test or exam, sit down (virtually) with three or four other students and quickly write down what you remember from the exam. You will notice that in a small group you can still reconstruct an exam in great detail.

Availability of old exams

Due to the corona pandemic and the restrictions at the university it was not always possible for us to print and hand out old exams and memory minutes as usual. In consultation with the lecturers of the department we were able to provide a solution for some lectures.

  • A few lecturers provide old exams in the Moodle courses of the corresponding lectures. This is the first place to look.
  • Also a few lectures gave us permission to publish their old exams (at least for some time) in the network of the university. We are using a Moodle Course for that.  This is the second place to look after the Moodle course.
  • In case you can't find old exams or memory minutes for a specify lecture we either don't have any or are not allowed to publish them. It doesn't help to write us an email.

Adding memory minutes of an exam

Sit down after the exam offline or online and try to reconstruct the last exam as accurately as possible. We ourselves have good experience with tools like Google Docs or ShareLaTeX.

We have provided some templates for you to use. You can send the filled out template to us via e-mail.

As a thank you for submitting new and reasonably complete memory minutes of an exam, all members of your group will receive a free beer, free coffee or other free drink in the BECI! This way, you can directly celebrate a successful exam (or drown your problems in alcohol ;) ).

What should be in the memory minutes?

Minutes from old examinations are intended to prepare you for an oral or written exam and should thus provide as much relevant information as possible about examiners, exam content and exam atmosphere, such as

  • lecture(s), exam name (What lecture is the examination about?)
  • examiner/ assessor (Who is examining you and who is the assessor/writing the official minutes?)
  • course of the exam and content (How did it go? What questions came first/last? Etc.)
  • date (When was the examination?)
  • grade (optional, but very helpful)
  • grade (optional, but very helpful)
  • preparation time (How long did you study before the exam?)
  • literature for learning (What sources/material did you use to prepare for the exam?)
  • information on mood and atmosphere (How was the athmoshere?)

To make it easier for you to create minutes of an examination, we already have the following templates you can use: